Genie; 2025. 2. 24. 17:30

Multi-DB Resource-based Architecture (Draft)

User Scenario를 기반으로 작성한 초기 ERD : MongoDB 와 MySQL 두 DB를 모두 사용한 멀티 리소스 아키텍처를 구현

  • Spring Boot 내에서 JPA를 활용해서 CRUD 기반으로 구성
  • 하지만, 2000~3000개의 샘플데이터로 구성된 데이터 베이스를 업데이트하기 위해서 해당 데이터는 MongoDB에 저장

  • The dataset, including its sample data (row data), versioning archive, and template data, will be managed using MongoDB.
    • The columns in each dataset may vary.
    • Distinction is made by the collection name and document ID in MongoDB, which are stored as field values in the table.
  • The admin must approve (assign) the modified samples before they are reflected in the final sample.
    • Once all sample data is complete, the admin must give final approval (assign) for the dataset update and archiving for versioning to proceed.
  • Templates are for reference only and are read-only at this stage, without any relationships.
  • Labels related to the labeling feature need further discussion.